Play by Play

Play by Play: Tiger Eye—Marjorie M. Liu {Part 6}

shirtless blond man with a chest tattoo in front of a red/orange background with a tiger in the upper left corner

Previously on Tiger Eye: Most important news first—Adam, Dela’s so, so trustworthy aide, killed Zhang’s niece with the knife he stole from Dela in retaliation for the rape and murder of his wife and the murder of his children because he opened a bank account and was trying to get out of Chinatown. I was so upset about the fridging that I did a terrible job explaining that. But we also meet Kat (briefly) and the owner of the Kosmo Klub, Dame Rose, who is repeatedly described using food and who gropes Artur and Dean without their permission, but they both seem to be into it, so I don’t have to delve too deeply into issues of consent because I’m a coward and it’s a lot of work.

Also Hari meets Koni, who is also a shapeshifter and shapeshifts into ravens. And I hope everyone watched the video of ravens playing in the snow because I love it.

Oh, also Adam killed himself but idgaf because fridging.

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Play by Play

Play by Play: Tiger Eye—Marjorie M. Liu {Part 5}

Previously on Tiger Eye: Friendly reminder that Dela made the knife that killed a child. Dela tells the boys that they’re free to go now that they know why people are trying to kill her, and they all tell her she’s being ridiculous and they’ll stay by her side and I love the Dirk & Steele chosen family so much I want to get it tattooed on me. Blue hides the riddle box and Dean calls Dela’s aunt [Dela is Not Pleased(TM)]. Also we got an explicit content warning. We find out that Dela’s knife was used to kill the niece (I can never spell niece right on the first try) of a human trafficker named Wen Zhang. The boys send a warning. We did delve into the “I don’t get along with other girls” trope, which I don’t love, but we finally get to meet a friend of Dela’s named Kit, and everyone goes to the club she’s playing at and absolutely nothing could possibly go wrong here.

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Play by Play

Play by Play: Tiger Eye—Marjorie M. Liu {Part 4}

Previously on Tiger Eye: Dela finds out the knife that was used to try to kill her was used to kill a child. That’s it. That was the chapter.

Okay, not true. That is the end of chapter 6. Hari is really good with kids. Dela and Hari are followed back home, then we find out some more about Eddie, Artur, Dean, and Blue, all of whom have some kind of powers like Dela. Dela’s ancestors started Dirk&Steele as a place for people with powers like them, but nobody quite knows why. Eddie copes with the knowledge that Dela loves Hari by serving cookies, then the men hear Hari’s story. Then Dela asks Artur to touch the dagger someone used to try to kill her. It had been used to kill a child. 

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Play by Play

Play by Play: Tiger Eye—Marjorie M. Liu {Part 3}

Previously on Tiger Eye: Dela has a cool magic metal thing where she can tell what old metal has been used for. Dela and Hari have kissed. Then Dela calls Roland and tells him that shit is happening, so he puts a guard on Dela’s assistant, who calls her because he’s being held hostage in his own home. They run into the Magi while they’re going shopping. A bunch of posturing ensues, Dela pisses off the Magi, and then she wakes up in her bed. Hari senses a shapeshifter near the hotel, but then they lose him. She takes a bath. Hari is just excited to have a pillow and blankets, which, oh my god, get this man some basic amenities. He needs to be kept happy. And then he is making his inner tiger wake, because Dela’s in danger and ain’t no way he’s gonna let these motherfuckers get away with this.

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Play by Play

Play by Play: Tiger Eye—Marjorie M. Liu {Part 2}

shirtless blond man with a chest tattoo in front of a red/orange background with a tiger in the upper left corner Previously on Tiger Eye: Dela can hear metal, and she bought a strange box that led to people trying to kill her and an extremely attractive man appearing in her hotel room. This extremely attractive man used to be a tiger, and has been horribly abused by every person that’s owned him ever, so he doesn’t trust Dela at all. But he did rescue her (unclothed from his bath) when someone tried to kill her, so that’s a good sign. Thus far, we just need to let Hari be free and be happy and just give him some cheeseburgers and let him watch HGTV. Also he’s seven feet tall.

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Play by Play

Play by Play: The Angel Wore Fangs—Sandra Hill [pt 13]

Lucky number 13 on October 31. This has to be a good sign. I can’t wait.

Okay, last time Zeb sent Andrea back to Philadelphia and kidnapped Cnut, then disappeared off to do something. Supposedly Cnut knows what it is, but us readers were not given enough information, although presumably he’s going to face Jasper. Time will tell. Celie is fine and also back in Philadelphia. Andrea went galavanting off to talk to Cnut’s siblings to rescue Cnut. He walked in the door. She fainted. Boom.

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Play by Play

Play by Play: The Angel Wore Fangs—Sandra Hill [pt 12]

This book is getting more and more forgettable as I go. I actually have to look back at my previous play by play to figure out what happened last, although I do remember that Zeb finally showed up. Wearing a turban.

Pretty princess Reynilda showed up. Andrea is jealous despite Cnut being pretty clear that he’s all about Andrea and not Reynilda. We slutshame Reynilda a lot. Thorkel and Dyna get married. Zeb asks Andrea if she wants to go back to Philadelphia. Oh, and apparently Reynilda poisons people.

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Play by Play

Play by Play: The Angel Wore Fangs—Sandra Hill [pt 11]

Last time we were together, we discovered that Andrea and Cnut are lifemates (which is not Life Alert). Or they think they’re lifemates. I had a terrible aside about how much I hate Andrea, then Andrea can’t even hear the word “crucified” without getting all uppity, I was briefly Here For This, then there was a terrible cock-a-doodle-doo pun and more terrible sex and I was Not Here For This.

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Play by Play

Play by Play: The Angel Wore Fangs—Sandra Hill [pt 10]

We’ve reached the tenth part of The Angel Wore Fangs and, well… it’s time to get on with it.

Last time there was more sex, weird analogies, some kinkshaming, just really awful puns, some timey wimey questions, and Zeb finally found Cnut, but didn’t kill him. Except Cnut almost killed himself by getting lost in a blizzard. Andrea is enforcing modern-day American Christian Christmas traditions on the pagan Vikings, and there is a giant tree in Cnut’s hall, which confused him. And Andrea officially said the L-word. In her head, so I guess she didn’t say it.

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